Honoring Those Who Inspire Us All Year

Nov. 2, 2015

HonorCard_450Our R.T. community is filled with people who inspire us with their dedication to the profession and the patients they serve.

This time of year, we often reflect on the past 12 months. While this might include remembering specific events, a lot of us focus on the great people in our lives: the colleague who always has a moment to ask how our day is going, or​ who takes that extra step to make sure their patients are comfortable. They are always willing to lend a helping hand and encourage others. They make a habit of going the extra mile for those around them and don’t appear to be aware that they even do it. We know they make a big difference in the lives they touch.

They deserve to know they are appreciated and to know what their presence adds to your personal and professional life.

You can let them know how much they inspire you. For your gift of $25 or more to the Foundation, we will send your honoree a beautiful card expressing your gratitude.

Let them know how much they have changed your life. Your gift will add to their legacy of making a difference as the contribution will help R.T.s, students and patients around the world. It’s a gift that will keep on giving for years to come through scholarships, research grants and community outreach projects to underserved populations.

Make your gift today, and let those who inspire you all year long know the impact they have had on your life and the lives around you.