News & Stories

  • Lindsey Vechart

    Outreach Fellow Strengthens Sonography in Nicaragua

    Last fall, Lindsay Vechart worked as an ASRT Foundation Community Outreach Fellow in Nicaragua. The ongoing support of donors and volunteers like her has helped bring sonography to the nearly one million people who call the city of Managua home.
  • Erin Myers

    Donors Strengthen Radiography Education in Ghana

    Generous donors enabled ASRT Foundation Community Outreach Fellow Erin Myers to work with radiographers and educators in Ghana, which has only one licensed radiographer for every 137,050 people and few programs to train more.
  • Veleda & Pam

    Going Paperless To Improve Patient Care in China

    In September, Pam Cartright and Veleda Stephens worked as ASRT Foundation Community Outreach Fellows to elevate patient care in China. Donors enabled them to discover a major way for their colleagues to provide more patient-centered care.
  • Nicole Dhanraj

    Elevating Patient Care in Cape Verde

    Nicole Dhanraj believes that knowledge is power. This summer she shared her knowledge and experience at two facilities in Cape Verde. As an ASRT Foundation Community Outreach Fellow, she empowered local R.T.s to improve patient care.
  • Kim Rans

    Battling Cancer in Kenya

    Donors empowered Kim Rans to positively impact radiation therapists and patients at Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya. As an ASRT Foundation Community Outreach Fellow, he provided valuable medical dosimetry training to the local therapists.