News & Stories

  • Ann Obergfell

    The Life the Profession Made Possible is Donor’s Motivation for Gift

    Ann Obergfell was excited to be part of the Celebration Campaign. Giving back to the profession that she built her life on is important to her. She saw this as the perfect opportunity to ensure a strong and bright future for the radiologic sciences.
  • Norm & Barb Hente

    Professionalism and Laughter Sparks a Couple’s Commitment

    Norman and Barbara Hente became R.T.s at different times and for different reasons, but both have advocated for the profession since their careers began. Their gift to the Celebration Campaign will continue that legacy for years to come.
  • Painting a Brighter Tomorrow

    Two years ago the Celebration Campaign was created by a group of R.T.s and the Foundation. We set out to paint a picture of a brighter tomorrow, and thanks to caring donors and volunteers the Campaign has surpassed its $3 million goal.
  • Nick and Mike Simon of Publishers Press

    Long Time Partnership Leads to Donation

    Publishers Press was glad to be a part of the Celebration Campaign. After working with the ASRT and ASRT Foundation for the past 25 years, they wanted to help ensure a bright future for the R.T. community.
  • Parsha Hobson

    Educator Makes It Look Easy As Struggling Turns Into Success

    Parsha Hobson was led to pursue a career as an R.T. because of the excellent treatment she received for a sports injury as a teenager. Pursuing an education was difficult for her financially, and now she wants to help others pay for their education.