News & Stories

  • Summer Inspires Warm Wishes

    Thank you to the donors who helped change the lives of R.T.s, students and patients with their gifts this June. It is only with your support that these opportunities are made available.
  • Your Generosity Made the Difference

    Thank you to those of you who are making a difference in the lives of R.T.s, students and patients. We could not do it without you!
  • Spring Brings New Growth

    Thank you to those of you who made contributions to the ASRT Foundation this April. You are helping the profession grow; your support is making a difference.
  • Thank You for Your Generosity

    Thank you to the donors who are making a difference in the lives of R.T.s and the patients they serve. They help to elevate the profession and empower our communities.
  • For the Love of Others

    During February, ASRT members shared their love of the profession by making contributions to the ASRT Foundation. We are truly thankful for each and every gift.